Artists in Residence

The Artist in Residence program at Porphyry Island Lighthouse offers a one-week stay for artists providing a unique experience. At the beginning of each year, applications are sought from artists interested in participating.

During their stay, artists can enjoy living and working alongside other volunteers. In a shared homestead, with an indoor creative space or in the outdoors. 

Throughout the residency, artists have plenty of opportunities to showcase their work and interact with tourists, visitors. and children who are all eager to learn about the artists’ projects.

Artists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, such as photography, poetry, and writing, are welcome. Applicants should have a portfolio, achievements, and a willingness to engage with the outdoors.

Living arrangements involve sharing quarters with other volunteers and helping participate in meal preparation, cleanup, and household tasks. In their free time, artists can swim, hike, or relax on the beach, with bicycles available and a sauna for relaxation.

The island features an art gallery and a mini-museum for exploration. Artists are encouraged to connect with visitors, share their art and style, and may have the opportunity to display their work in the gallery or contribute to our fundraising activities. Accommodation and transportation incur  fees (approx. $320), while meals are provided free! Each season, approximately eight artists stay on-site from July 1 to the end of August. Apply below if you are interested in being an artist in residence. 

Artist in Residence

How to apply to be a Artist in Residence for a one (1) week term.

Please send us an email answering the following questions with your last name in the subject line.

  1. How did you find out about the Artist in Residence Program?
  2. What type of art are you creating?
  3. Please provide us with your arts resume accompanied by six (6) images of previously artwork attached with your last name as the file name.
  4. How will you engage visiting adults and children with your art? What type of lesson might you provide children?
  5. Please review the following dates, and provide us with your top three (3) picks.

       * June 22-29 * June 29-July 6 * July 6-13 * July 13-20 * July 20-27 * July 27 – Aug. 3 * Aug. 3 -10 * Aug. 10-17 * Aug. 17-24 * Aug 24 -31*

Upon receiving your application prior to the March 31, 2024 deadline, your email will be acknowledged. If accepted, you will be asked to confirm the dates of your term. After a date had been selected you will be invoiced for your stay. 

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Currently the lighthouse group features three excursions to interest any visitor.


Volunteers provide support to promote, maintain, and manage our heritage.

Our Events

A Calendar and list of all of our upcoming Events from the lighthouse group.